C# – Execute Multiple Line PowerShell Command in Code & Iterate returned result to Code Variable

C# – Execute Multiple Line PowerShell Command in Code & Iterate returned result to Code Variable

   using System;
   using System.Management.Automation;
   namespace PowerShellApplication
      class Program
         \\ The Execution Account needs to have the access right to query on SCCM.
         static void Main(string[] args)
         private static void RunPowerShellScript(string computerid)
            PowerShell ps = PowerShell.Create();
            ps.AddScript("$SiteName=\"<SCCM Site Name>\";");
            ps.AddScript("$SCCMServer=\"<SCCM Server Name\";");
            ps.AddScript("$query = \"select * from SMS_G_System_ADD_REMOVE_PROGRAMS where ResourceID = " + computerid + " \";");
            ps.AddScript("Get-WmiObject -namespace $SCCMNS -computer $SCCMServer -query $query | Select-Object DisplayName, version;");
            List<Software> list = new List<Software>();
            string DisplayName = "";
            string version = "";
            foreach (PSObject result in ps.Invoke())
               if (result.Members["DisplayName"] != null && result.Members["DisplayName"].Value != null)
                  DisplayName = result.Members["DisplayName"].Value.ToString();
                  DisplayName = "";
               if (result.Members["version"] != null && result.Members["version"].Value != null)
                  version = result.Members["version"].Value.ToString();
                  version = "";
               Console.WriteLine(DisplayName + " : " + version);
               list.Add(new Software(DisplayName, version));
         class Software
            string DisplayName;
            string version;
            public Software(string DisplayName, string version)
               this.DisplayName = DisplayName;
               this.version = version;